Dr. Audrey Chimaera
Chief Medical Liaison / Board Member
Doctor Audrey Chivaura is a Family /General Practitioner with over 25 years of experience in Family Medicine. Doctor Audrey Chivaura is a passionate and committed Family /General Practitioner committed to total wellness and reducing the cancer burden. She has been practicing medicine for more than 25 years, wanting to provide holistic healthcare services to her clients, which ultimately helps them work through and find solutions to their challenges.
​From her vast experience as a GP, she has noted that some ailments emanate beyond just patients' pathology. This has led her to dig deep within herself to reach and help them, making a meaningful and lasting impact on their health and well-being. Dr. Chivaura believes there is unique and more profound 'caring' which goes beyond the facts of medicine, and this comes with gentle probing into the state of their families, being available to listen to them share their hopes and fears. With intentional practice on her part, providing holistic health services provisions has become more accessible and more fulfilling for Dr. Audrey Chivaura.